Saturday, February 8, 2014

How to Start Your First Organic Garden (Part 5) - Home - Gardening

An organic approach to landscape design and gardening is in order due to habitat fragmentation and newly built subdivisions and roads throughout the country. Organic landscaping and gardening is no longer a fad.

A diverse landscape containing many species of plants not only supports an abundance of wildlife, it is also less prone to large scale devastation from insect pests or diseases.

Not only should you consider native plant types to your area, but you should also carefully cultivate a healthy soil that has a balance of mineral nutrients. Good, healthy soil produces strong plants which are better able to withstand plant diseases and insect damage. You'll also need to fertilize and water consistently, taking care to use organic mulch and compost.

This article is intended as an introduction to organic lawn fertilization techniques, so that you can start taking care of your lawn in a more environmentally friendly manner. Using organic lawn fertilizers and organic lawn fertilizing techniques will ensure that you have a properly fertilized lawn that is healthy for your family, pets, and neighbors.

Organic lawn fertilizers are becoming more popular these days due to an increasing awareness that synthetic lawn fertilizers can negatively impact the environment and the health of our families, neighbors, and pets, especially if they are not used properly. Additionally, many artificial lawn fertilizers don't really do anything to improve the long term health of the soil. In fact, many of the strong chemicals in artificial lawn fertilizers can degrade the soil and kill off beneficial soil organisms. This means that you'll need to apply even more chemicals just to keep your grass alive.

Moreover, a recent study concluded that natural and organic lawn fertilizers are actually superior to synthetic fertilizers in terms of producing attractive, healthy lawns and for eliminating possible contaminants that can reach groundwater sources.

Before You Use an Organic Lawn FertilizerBefore you begin shopping for organic lawn fertilizers, make sure to test your soil to get a sense of nutrient levels. You'll want to test for nitrogen, phosphorous and potash levels. An environmentally friendly soil tester will provide you with reliable information on how healthy your soil is and if it lacks organic material. Getting to know your soil with a soil test will take the guess work out of lawn care.

Getting to know your soil is an important factor in knowing how to fertilize your lawn. Adding compost to your garden soil may be an important first step to get your grass to grow healthier. You can actually add compost directly onto your grass. Spread out the compost evenly over your lawn and work it in lightly with rake. You'll want to keep the compost from being in contact with the grass blades for too long. After you've working in the compost, water your lawn to allow the compost to soak into the soil.

Also, try aerating your grass to get it to grow better. If you have good quality soil that is properly aerated, you may not need many organic lawn fertilizer treatments during the growing season.

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