Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Commercial and Residential Horticultural Services for Lawns, Trees & Shrubs in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas - Other

There is a wide range of commercial and residential horticultural services for lawns, trees & shrubs and other landscaping needs in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas. Homes, business establishments and institutions are equally concerned with maintaining lawns, gardens and grounds that are attractively designed and healthy, keeping the outdoor environment pleasing and improving property values.

Commercial and residential horticultural services in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas also provide a great number of jobs that keep the economy healthy.

Commercial and residential landscape contractors work with landscape architects and carry out their designs. This may involve the construction of terraces, patios, decks, walkways, benches and fountains, as well as the installation of lighting systems and sprinkler systems. They also grade the property and supervise the planting of lawns, trees & shrubs, flowers and other ornamentals. Landscape contractors are responsible for verifying all requirements for the project, including labor, equipment and materials. They also inspect the project at various stages for quality control.

Landscape contractors employ landscaping laborers and supervisors. The laborers do the planting, watering, pruning, mowing, weeding, mulching and fertilizing. Pruning may involve specialized trimming and shaping of ornamental trees & shrubs. Mowing includes edging and trimming. Laborers also inspect lawns and apply fertilizers, pesticides, weed control products and disease control products.

Groundskeepers are often employed by business establishments and institutions to maintain wide outdoor spaces such as athletic fields, golf courses, university campuses, cemeteries and parks. Aside from the same tasks usually done by landscape workers, groundskeepers also maintain and repair ground facilities such as planters, benches, fountains, pools, fences, sidewalks and parking lots. They clear the area of leaves, snow and other debris. They also regulate water use to prevent waste.

In athletic fields, groundskeepers maintain the condition of natural and artificial turfs, vacuuming and disinfecting them after each use and regularly replacing their cushioning pad. Before events, groundskeepers mark out boundaries and paint on team names and logos.

In golf courses, groundskeepers regularly have to relocate the holes in putting greens to keep an even wear on the turf. They also maintain, repair and repaint tee markers, ball washers, benches and canopies.

In cemeteries and memorial parks, groundskeepers assist in grave digging and actual burial services. They ensure that the graves are fixed up and maintained all year round, especially to prevent settling. They also maintain the lawns, flowers, trees & shrubs throughout the site.

Nurseries and greenhouses provide the sod for lawns, as well as trees & shrubs and other ornamentals used in landscaping.

Managers in nurseries and greenhouses direct operations and supervise record keeping, accounting and marketing. They decide what plants or trees to grow, and how many of each type. They also choose what fertilizers, pesticides and disease-control products to use and purchase. Furthermore, they are in charge of hiring workers and coordinating their work.

Workers in nurseries and greenhouses prepare beds before planting; cut, roll and stack sod for replanting; stake young trees for support; and weed, water and spray pesticides and fertilizers on lawns, trees & shrubs. They are also the ones who dig up and move shrubs and trees when necessary. For companies that sell flowers, plants, shrubs and trees, these workers do the gathering and packing to fill orders.

Since the work is done outdoors, horticultural service jobs are quite challenging. They are also physically demanding, requiring strength and endurance for repetitive bending, lifting and shoveling. Proper safety measures and precautions have to be observed when handling chemicals in fertilizers, pesticides, weed control products and disease control products. Safety should also be observed when handling dangerous tools and equipment such as power clippers, power lawnmowers and chainsaws. Despite all these, such jobs are much needed in the economy.

Indeed, commercial and residential horticultural services will always be wanted and welcome not only in Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco but in the entire state of Florida.

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